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How to take care of your skin after Songkran: 9 easy tips to restore sunburned skin to white and clear skin instantly

Skin Care Methods After Songkran Who is facing the problem of sunburned skin, dark face, dark body? Come on! It’s time to restore your skin to be white and clear with these skin care methods.

Songkran Festival has passed. I believe that this year, girls must have had fun playing with water, right? And of course, playing Songkran in the hot sunlight like this, many people must be worried because of the problem of sunburned skin, dark face, and very dark body. What should we do to fix it so that our skin becomes white and clear immediately?

How to take care of your skin after Songkran: 9 easy tips to restore sunburned skin to white and clear skin instantly

How to take care of your skin after Songkran

1. Stop exacerbating sunburn by damaging your skin.

          After Songkran, girls should avoid going out in the sun, especially the sunlight between 10:00-17:00 because it will damage the skin and make it even darker. If you have to leave the house, it is recommended to wear long-sleeved shirts, carry an umbrella, and most importantly, do not forget to apply sunscreen every time to protect against UVA and UVB rays, the main culprits that damage the skin.

2. Restore your skin with aloe vera.

          Aloe vera is considered a Thai herb that can help treat sunburn and sun-damaged skin very well. This is because aloe vera has the property of healing sunburned skin, adding moisture, and restoring the skin to be healthy again. The method of applying aloe vera to the โปรโมชั่น ufabet skin is easy. Just peel the aloe vera until you get a clear gel. Then, grind it finely and apply it to the sunburned or darkened skin. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. Do it often. In addition to reducing the burning sensation, it will also help the darkened skin become white and clear again very soon.

3. Choose products that contain vitamin E.

          During this time, girls should stop using products that stimulate cell turnover because it will damage the skin even more, which may cause more skin inflammation and irritation. Instead, they should turn to using skin care products that contain vitamin E because vitamin E will help restore dull and damaged skin, making the skin healthy and bright again faster.

4. Avoid exfoliating your skin for the first 2 weeks.

          During the first 1-2 weeks, avoid scrubbing or exfoliating your skin, including using acids such as AHA, BHA or Glycolic Acid to exfoliate your skin. Because during this time, your skin is not yet strong. If you rush to scrub your skin again, it will irritate your skin and damage it more than before. But after 2 weeks, start scrubbing your skin by choosing natural ingredients such as turmeric powder, tamarind, honey or coconut oil. Do it regularly once a week. Your skin will gradually become whiter and clearer.

5. Eating vegetables and fruits helps restore your skin from within.

          In addition to nourishing the skin from the outside, restoring the skin from the inside is also important. During this time, women should choose to eat green vegetables that will help cells work better, along with yellow and orange vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins, and corn that contain beta-carotene, and red vegetables and fruits such as apples, pomegranates, and tomatoes that contain antioxidants. Because these vegetables and fruits contain vitamin C, it helps restore and nourish the skin to be strong and look brighter from the inside. It also acts as a protective shield to prevent the skin from becoming dark and damaged easily.

6. Drink plenty of clean water.

          Sunbathing and playing Songkran not only burns the skin but also sucks water out of our skin, causing the skin to lack moisture. Therefore, the solution is that we must drink a lot of clean water to replace the water lost in the body. Each day, we should drink 8-10 glasses of water or we can drink coconut water instead because coconut water contains estrogen, which can help brighten and naturally glow the skin.

7. Take vitamin C.

          For any ladies who want to have white, clear skin quickly, eating only vegetables or fruits may not be enough and not fast enough. Another option that can help is to take vitamin C supplements because vitamin C will help restore damaged skin to be healthy, including reducing dullness, freckles, melasma, and dark spots, making the skin look brighter and more radiant faster.

8. Laser to correct dark spots

          After being exposed to the sun and playing Songkran for at least 2-4 weeks, some people may notice that some dark spots on their skin can fade after using skin care cream that helps reduce dark spots. But for the parts that do not fade, ladies can directly restore their skin by doing laser to adjust the skin condition to be smooth, tighten pores, and even out the dark skin pigmentation. It also helps treat acne if acne occurs after playing Songkran. Also, use sunscreen continuously to prevent these dark spots from coming back.

9. Do a vitamin injection treatment.

          For those who want to quickly restore damaged skin, one option is to go to a clinic and get a vitamin injection treatment that uses medical technology to help push medicines or vitamins such as vitamin C, collagen, whitening, and antioxidants to penetrate the skin quickly, helping to increase moisture, stimulate blood circulation, and the functioning of skin cells. Therefore, the results are clearly visible and help restore the skin more than applying general creams.