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6 types of foods that nourish and strengthen your skin Ready to increase hyaluronic acid in the body

If talking about hyaluronic acid, many girls may be familiar with that. Hyaluronic acid or Hyaluronic Acid is a compound found in the body. And it is a substance that plays an important role in many aspects of health. Especially in areas related to the skin, joints or eyes, so for girls Anyone who wants to maintain healthy skin It is essential to add hyaluronic acid to the body. You can increase these substances by eating 6 types of food as follows.

6 types of foods that nourish and strengthen your skin Ready to increase hyaluronic acid in the body

1. Oranges
: Oranges are fruits that are rich in Naringenin, which helps fight free radicals. It also helps prevent the degradation of hyaluronic acid. Or as we call it Hyaluronidase very well Therefore, the girls Eat oranges regularly It helps maintain the level of hyaluronic acid in the body well.

2. Broccoli Broccoli
is a vegetable rich in magnesium. This type of substance helps increase the production of hyaluronic acid. Therefore helps nourish the skin to be moisturized and healthy. Broccoli also contains vitamin C that has the ability to prevent wrinkles. Helps reduce inflammation It also helps enhance the production of collagen in the skin very well.

3. Vegetables : Kale
: Kale is considered a source of magnesium. which is a nutrient that helps in the functioning of muscles and bones In addition, magnesium also helps in the production of hyaluronic acid as well, so any ladies who want to strengthen their skin. It is recommended to eat kale to increase hyaluronic acid in the body.

4. Sweet potatoes,
sweet potatoes are rich in magnesium. We all know that magnesium helps the body produce hyaluronic acid more efficiently. Therefore, it is a recommended food to eat to maintain healthy skin. Sweet potatoes also contain antioxidants that help reduce inflammation. And helps prevent the skin from being damaged by sunlight as well.

5. Almonds:
Almonds are also considered a food rich in magnesium that is recommended to eat to maintain healthy skin. This is because magnesium helps produce hyaluronic acid in the body. Plus, almonds also have vitamin D that helps fight free radicals. And helps prevent damage to the skin very well.

Soybeans Soybeans are a food rich in estrogen. This type of substance helps in the production of hyaluronic acid. So if girls Want to nourish your own skin to be healthy? It is recommended that you eat soybeans. To allow the body to receive estrogen These substances will help increase the production of hyaluronic acid in the body. Therefore helping girls Have healthy skin.

For girls who are beginning to feel that their skin is not very healthy. and want to nourish the skin to be healthy It is recommended to eat foods rich in magnesium or estrogen. These substances help to produce hyaluronic acid in the body very well.